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Showing posts from October, 2017

How To Grow A Network of Social Media Followers

How To: Grow A Network of Social Media Followers... Back in 2013-2014 we sat down with  Inland Finder  ... The company had some 234 followers on twitter and about 300 friend likes on Facebook... It had also only purchased the domain and had approached us to Web Design and Search Engine Optimize. With our little and fresh knowledge Live Lab steadied on full steam with boastful confidence Excited about the new Startup we called 10 local well established businesses to advertise on the domain. 9 of them told us to F#%&Off they are not interested as they are paying the local newspapers.... Confidence smacked down within a few hours... Boomed... Bashed and Broken... So we sat down with  Inland Finder  and explained to them that we are dealing with a Donkey Years ago advertising Dynamic. These businesses are NOT advanced and people still have Nokia 3310's. They have mediocre facebook pages and no clue about tw...