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Showing posts with the label Social Media

How To Grow A Network of Social Media Followers

How To: Grow A Network of Social Media Followers... Back in 2013-2014 we sat down with  Inland Finder  ... The company had some 234 followers on twitter and about 300 friend likes on Facebook... It had also only purchased the domain and had approached us to Web Design and Search Engine Optimize. With our little and fresh knowledge Live Lab steadied on full steam with boastful confidence Excited about the new Startup we called 10 local well established businesses to advertise on the domain. 9 of them told us to F#%&Off they are not interested as they are paying the local newspapers.... Confidence smacked down within a few hours... Boomed... Bashed and Broken... So we sat down with  Inland Finder  and explained to them that we are dealing with a Donkey Years ago advertising Dynamic. These businesses are NOT advanced and people still have Nokia 3310's. They have mediocre facebook pages and no clue about tw...

How To Create a Blog

A Blog is the Best Method to Direct Traffic to Your Website Your Blog must be Unique Do Not Blog out of Your Business Scope How To Create a Blog - Why Create a Blog Previous - Dominate HTML Markups Search Engine Optimization and Online Business Footprinting

Twitter Verified Accounts

I-C Please note that: @TweetSmarter is not verified, not a Twitter partner, we don’t work for Twitter, and we don’t run Twitter ads. The upshot: Unless you’re famous and being impersonated, or an important politician or government agency, to get verified: It costs $15,000 to be verified for 90 days -or- You need someone who spends (probably more than) $5,000/month to ask on your behalf (many artists get verified this way without knowing how their agent or agency got them verified) This is based on my experience, and  a recent article from the holder of a verified  Twitter account that says specifically this is how verification works: “…you need to spend a minimum of $15,000 ($5K over three months) in order to “buy” verified status from Twitter. Or you need to know someone who’s “in” with Twitter (read: spending ad dollars with them) who wants you or your business to get verified.” (But: see below for some “loopholes.”) This has also been confirmed by AdAg...

Your Business - Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips

When you're doing Local SEO, columnist Greg Gifford reminds us, you must take a step back and look at the big picture if you want to be successful. Local SEO is getting more and more complicated, and as we roll into the new year, I want to share my biggest, most important tip: STOP Using Your Microscope In Local Search! What do I mean by that? Put simply: A microscope is a great research tool, but it’s a flat-out awful marketing tool. It seems like we’re hearing more and more of the same kind of question over the past few months: “I’ve done X on my site, why isn’t it working?” or “I read your post about Y, does it make sense for me to drop everything and go do it?” Local SEO is not, nor has it ever been, based upon a single tactic. Recently, it seems like many business owners will read a post or watch a video, realize that they’re not utilizing the tactic mentioned, and immediately drop everything and concentrate on the shiny new object. Local SEO is not just ...

Infographic - Optimum Times to Post on Social Media

Get More Eyes on your Posts Here are the best times to post in order to increase the amount of people who see them on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Tumblr and Google+.   Share as Image - Blog   About the author: Lauren Rotman 

3 Techniques That Will Double Your Social Media Content With Half the Effort

October 9, 2014 This story originally appeared on KISSmetrics              Too often, doing social media can become a pain. This is especially true for startup environments, run by busy people with more “important” things to do than post on Twitter and check on Facebook engagement levels. But we all know, deep down inside, that social media is important. And we know that we have to do it. So we might as well figure out how to do more social media in less time and with less effort. The following tactical methods have been proven to produce twice the amount of social media with only half of the effort. The great thing about this approach is that higher output on social media generally produces a greater level of engagement. Here’s how to do it. 1. Create a schedule. When you create a social media schedule, you immediately reduce the level of consist...

How To Get the Maximum Benefits of Facebook Business Pages

The mission of Facebook is, "Give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected". Facebook business pages are among one of the tools developed by Facebook to achieve this mission.                        Facebook business pages are a great way to promote any business online. People and organizations are using it for marketing and promotion of their products, services or other businesses. The results of facebook marketing are really impressive for some of them. However, a majority of business owners and organizations are not able to drive their campaigns to success. The reason lies in their inability to adopt the best practices of facebook marketing through facebook business pages . This article describes some of the best tips for promotion of businesses through facebook business page: Understand The Concept Behind Facebook Pages  Facebook p...