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Setup Your Google Business

Set Up Your Business Page

You will of course need a Google account and personal profile (make sure you use your real, full name) to get started and once this is in place you can go ahead and create your business page. This will bear the name of your company and you will need to select the type of page that you’re creating, choosing from: 

Shop front – choose if you have a retail business
Service area – for the service industry including professional/business services such as marketing
Brand – products, bands, charities and so on

Once you’ve done this, search for your business by inputting the postcode into the maps page and choosing ‘none of these’ if your business doesn’t appear in the list. Once you’ve done this you’ll see a box appear where you can enter the name and address details of your business.

Important: this is your Google business page so if you have a website and directory listings then enter the address and phone details in the exact same format as it appears elsewhere on the web to optimise for local SEO.

Once you’ve entered your business address and telephone number, you’ll also have to put in the kind of business that you’re in and then you’re ready to go. Enter your business website too and remember that your listing will have to be verified either by phone or postcard, the latter of which can take a little while to come through. Once it’s been verified though, you can start to add more information.
Filling in About Section

In the about section you’re going to want to enter a brief overview of what you do. Keep this snappy, don’t bore your readers, as they’ll want to be able to see what your business is about at a glance. Keep sentences and paragraphs short and factual, don’t pretty it up with a lot of flowery language but do use keywords that are relevant to your business.

You have space for your tagline which should be a short sentence describing your business or your company strapline. You then have the story space where you can expand on your tagline and give more information. Make sure that in the links section, you link to your website and all of your social profiles.


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